Arizona is home to North America’s most unusual desert. Distinctly bimodal rainfall pattern makes the Sonoran Desert a place with a high biological diversity. The desert's extreme temperatures, perennial drought, banshee winds and voracious predators keep the desert’s inhabitants forever at the limit of their endurance. But what forms this Devil’s Oven into a wildlife refuge? What let a diversity of animals flourish where only sand should be?
The Sonora Desert is one of the most complex ecosystems on this planet and infirmary for a multitude of animals. Costs's hummingbirds need "fuel supply" of blooming bushes and cacti to survive theirs lomng journey across North America. The ripe pods of the Mesquite trees aere a feast for javelinas. Armed with razor-ahrarp tusks, the pekaries have very few enemies. Even bobcats will stay away from a herd of javelinas. The regal horned lizard is the largest horned lizard in the US. When attacked, they squirt blood from a pore in the eyelid region.
These are only three amazing stories but to understand the network of the Sonoran Desert so many more need to be told.
52 minutes HD
Delivery 2014
For Doclights, NDR, National Geographic Channel, ORF and arte.